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About Me
Gordon Kamitomo

About Gordon


Upon entering Digital Photography and armed with over 15+ years in 35mm film, Photographer, Gordon Kamitomo realized there were many fundamental concepts he could bring forward in order to create his own, unique space. Digital Photography is a more complicated area and to differentiate yourself, your vision must also adapt to ever changing technologies. Gordon does so by taking photos across several genres, and is able to leverage the knowledge gained to obtain the results he wants. Gordon is not afraid to break the rules of photography to achieve the effect he is after.
With certain types of photos, a lot has to do with advanced lighting and composition techniques. Using a combination of sun, a specialized flash unit called a bare bulb flash and a set of radio triggers allows Gordon to control light differently.  For certain types of flowers, it can create a beautiful image.
Gordon Photo Gear

Gordon Kamitomo


“When I increase the boldness of the color or make it more vivid, and increase edge contrast, I can make a photo stand out. Making an image pop is what makes the difference. In the back of my mind, I’m always thinking about how it would look on a wall. I find that if you have that perspective, it totally changes how you take the photo.”

With over 15+ years of experience in 35mm film, Photographer, Gordon Kamitomo has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the world of digital photography. Leveraging knowledge and experience across Information Technology, Sales & Marketing, Business Analysis coupled with a fierce passion for photography has allowed Gordon to visualize it as an art and convey his thoughts and ideas through digital images.

He has received international recognition for his work, and is well known for close-ups (macro), landscapes, portraits/candids and stills.

Placing ahead of over 300,000 submissions, Gordon’s photographs are rated in the top 10% most voted in the World Photography Day Contest on ViewBug.com. ViewBug hosts the world’s best photo contests, judged by world-renowned photographers.


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